"You Got Into Harvard Law??"
WHAT, like it's hard?!.....Okay, So I'm not going to law school, but I did have a total Legally Blonde moment the other day! So you know how I have a husband, a 2.5 year old, a long haired German Shepherd, a real estate career, a household to manage and like 19 episodes of Young and the Restless on my DVR that I need to catch up on? Oh, and I'm pregnant! Oh, and I started a blog! Sorry, I keep forgetting. Anyways, I've also decided now, more than ever, would be the perfect time for me to get my Brokers license! #independentwoman #bossbabe #jkdonteverleavemedad
Something about this pregnancy has lit a fire under my booty and I kind of like it! I've had more drive than ever not only to get things done ASAP, but also to plan for the future. They say nesting comes towards the end of pregnancy where your body goes into this "get stuff done NOW" mode right before the baby comes, but my body and mind are already there and I'm just over half way through this pregnancy. Not only have I been more serious and cracking down on my career goals, but I have also been cleaning house.
I read some article posted on Facebook that a woman feels less stress with a de-cluttered and clean house- 30 minutes later the "kid-corner" in our living room was demolished! Toddler Parents: You know that corner of your house that is just full of stuffed animals, neon colored toys and baskets of kid crap that probably have snacks crushed into a million pieces at the bottom? Kid Corner...it's making you insane! After taking every single thing out of our corner and sorting it into piles of trash, donate, keep and this can go in her room, our house felt so much better! It was like a weight was lifted, not only did it feel so much less cluttered and chaotic, but Finley started actually playing with the few toys we left out instead of just emptying the basket on the floor and running away. I've now moved on to the rest of the house, seriously I have been to Good Will once a week with multiple bags each time in the past month. Nothing is safe in our house!
So not only am I getting the house in order before the baby comes, I've realized that life is going to get way more hectic once we have a second child and this house is only going to get louder with a boy. Hence the decision to take my Brokers classes now! I figure I can take the 5 classes that are required of me while I'm still pregnant and then after the baby is here I can study to take the exam. So I signed up for the courses and drove down to the school to pick up my text books! It was going to be a wild Friday night! Chris was working so I figured after I put Finley to bed I could get started right away and really dig in. I had to pick my books up by 5 PM as they would be closing for the weekend, I made it there at 4:47 PM! Super jazzed, I popped my head in and said "Hi! I signed up for the broker courses and I'm here to pick up my books!" The girl helping me said "You must be Ashley...Let me go get them for you." Thirty seconds later she came back with 5 textbooks about an inch and a half thick each and a 3 inch three ring binder, looked at my baby bump and asked if I needed help to my car. I said no and she handed them over.
Strutting back to my car in my wedges with books stacked to my eyeballs I was feeling very Elle Woods- cool, confident and ready to learn (and completely clueless as to how much work this may actually be)! And then I got home...Property Management, Escrow & Title, Appraisals, Real Estate Finance and Real Estate Economics! PANIC! I have set a goal to get through all of these tough courses by January 14, 2018 (my due date and birthday!) and I am praying I can do it. After looking through the course load, I won't beat myself up if I don't reach that deadline in fact I am not even sure it's possible at this point. No matter when I finish, I will not be able to do this alone! I will need help from my dad, the support of my husband and the babysitting of my mom for sure! I hope this drive and ambition that I have had lately carries me through these courses while still allowing time for other aspects of my life that I care so much about as well! Balancing family and career is not an easy task and I struggle every day to make sure I am doing my best at both. I know that taking on these courses will be a good thing for myself and my family, but right now they are a little intimidating. Luckily, I have 6 years in the real estate business so I'm hoping my experience will help me succeed in the virtual classroom. Please say a prayer for me and comment below with the goals you've set for yourself so I can do the same for you! I know you can crush your dreams, but support from a friend always helps!